
Monday, January 09, 2006

Book Review #2

So i 've had quite a bit of time to read since my last post about books. I haven't taken full advantage of this time, but I have managed to read a couple good books. I'm going to start my own five star rating system. (five being the best)

Universe on a t-shirt- by Dan Falk. I give this one two stars. I don't mind reading about the historical stuff. The scientific revolution stuff has always caught my interest, but he really didn't present anything that really blew my mind. I was bored by the end.

Being Peace- by Thich Nhat Hanh. Solid four stars. I believe this was a compilation of presentations that Hanh gave on the basics of Buddhism and how to apply them to everyday life. It's a super easy read that really enjoyed.

The Kite Runner- by Khaled Hosseini. Five Stars. A must read for sure. I don't want to say anything about it because it is always better to start reading a good book not knowing what you are getting into.

Lovely Bones- Alice Seabold. Three stars. This is the story of a family trying to come to terms with the death of a family member. This story is given from a unique perspective. The young girl who is murdered at the beginning of the story tells the story from up in heaven looking down on her family. I really enjoyed about three quarters of this book. However I thought it started to drag on too much and I found a lot of the dialogue to be awkward. Still a decent read.

The 5 People you Meet in Heaven-Mitch Albom. Three stars. Same author who wrote Tuesdays with Morrie for those of you who like that one. This is another story that deals with death. Strangely morbid pattern i've got going here...not on purpose, i swear. Another interesting idea in this book. The main character is this old carney who dies at the beginning and finds out that you meet five people up in heaven, one after the other, who sort of explain the purpose of your life. A good quick read, but it didn't blow my mind by any means.

Shalimar the Clown- by Salmon Rushdie. Five Stars. Maybe the best book i've read this year. I was hesitant going into this book but ended up pleasantly surprised right from the beginning. If you decide to read this one make sure to fully commit yourself because it is consuming. There are a plethora of characters, all with tough names to remember. Rushdie's writing style is unlike any i've read. Its jam packed with metaphors and super descriptive, he does not waste a single sentence. I found it hard to read because I had to concentrate so much but it was very rewarding at the same time.

ok time to watch a movie...keep the book recommendations coming!


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