
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

And now for something totally random...

someone help me out here:

If someone is born deaf, he has never been exposed to spoken language in his life, does he still hear an inner voice???

I could be on crack here. Does anyone know what i'm talking about here... you know your inner thoughts...your inner monologue...whatever you want to call it...would this hypothetical person hear 'it'??

Maybe he only imagines images instead or sees sign language??
I think that it is necessary to have exposure to spoken language in order to 'think it'. Our brains are not capable of experiencing something we have never learned about. Its like the legend of the natives who could not see Columbus' ships approaching in the distance on the water. They could not see them supposedly because they had no knowledge that such things existed.


Blogger Kinger said...

I am curious as to what it is like to 'think in sign'? would they see an image of hands literally signing symbols...or would they see a sort of picture dialogue of the actual representations that the signs symbolize?

4:32 PM  
Blogger Kinger said...

I find it hard to believe that ppl who have never been exposed to language would have an inner dialogue in the form of lipreading or sign language. Kristoffer, do you mean that they would see and image of the signs or of lips actually doing the motions? I think that the ability to 'think' is innate...the form that it comes out in is a bit of a mystery to me. I think that it would have to derive from the representations behing language somehow. Language, whether it is signed or voiced derives from representations. Words and signs all represent something. Can you think of these subjects behind the representations without 'voicing' or signing them??
ok i'm just rambling now!
peace out

9:51 PM  

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